DIMS, BCA successfully completed Linux Workshop on 23rd Feb. This workshop, tailored to enhance digital literacy and empower tech enthusiasts, drew in a diverse group of participants eager to dive into the realm of Linux.
* Immersive Learning
* Valuable Insights into Linux OS
* Myriad Applications Explored
* Hands-on Training
* Interactive Sessions
* Practical Use Cases
* Networking Opportunities
Students were enthusiastic about engaging in hands-on training, interactive sessions, practical use cases, and networking opportunities—the essence of this workshop.
Throughout the event, Dr. Rajeev Kumar (Director, DIMS) passionately motivated students to take a step forward in technology. Prof. Saurabh Vashistha, the coordinator, was actively guiding students every step of the way.
A big thanks to all participants for making this workshop a resounding success! Stay tuned